General care instructions Menu
General care instructions Menu
Prolong the life of your Birkenstocks by following our care instructions:
Trying on a new pair: Follow our size guide to ensure you’re wearing the correct size.
Breaking in a new pair: Allow your feet to adjust to your new shoes by limiting wear to just a few hours the first five to six times.
Air footbeds regularly: Airing the footbeds prevents the build-up of odours caused by excess moisture.
Don’t immerse cork models in water: Water can damage cork-based sandals/shoes and dissolve the glue/sealant.
Avoid extreme heat: Heat exposure can damage Birkenstocks. Avoid leaving them in the car or direct sunlight, and keep away from radiators and fireplaces.
Repair your shoes: Over time, Birkenstock footwear may require repair due to general wear. Read more about repairs.>
Size assistant
Welcome to the Birkenstock Size Assistant!
Your recommended Birkenstock size is
Measuring Tips

We recommend using a pencil or a ballpoint pen.

A thick pen can distort the result.